Friday, May 14, 2010

What IS wrong with people anyway??

So I go to a job that has been greatly affected by the new Health Care maelstrom that is Mr. Obama's idea of health care reform. It has made the environment very politically charged. I understand that he has good intentions behind his ambitions. I do like the man and I have no room to bitch because I have done nothing to help resolve the issues at hand. I do however have some serious concerns about how the new reimbursements will affect the clientèle (I) we serve. People with CHF tend to see us 2-5 times a year for a few days stay. They have hearts that just can't do the work they used to do in most cases. Others they have brains that can't wrap around the idea that they need to be responsible for their DIET and prescribed MEDICATIONS and end up in by not being responsible for their failing health.
It is a touchy subject to deal with. There needs to be a level of personal accountability included in all the reforms for people who use public finds of any kind or any insurance for that matter. These topics are rarely discussed, and when brought to the forefront they frustrate the crap out of 95% of people I meet. If so many people are aware of these issues, why are people so afraid to take the bull by the horns and say it out loud? The political scene seems to avoid things based on popularity only, never facing what really needs to be done.
Let me preface this with I am the one who sticks her neck out, her foot in her mouth, and asks the harder questions. Yet things get blown out of the water as it is the wrong time to discuss the topic or not being appropriate to discuss at all. Later the same day, guess what people are whispering about?? You got it, the same things I brought up out loud.
What IS wrong with people anyway? They are so worried about the horns on the bull they don't realize the bull has them by the balls and isn't going to let go. He's strong and not as dumb as we think he is. The bull has learned how to use this to his advantage.
I am for drug testing to get your monthly check/food stamps/subsidy, what ever. I am for accountability for our own health damn it. WE KNOW what is and isn't good for us and when we do the wrong thing WE are responsible for the consequences not everyone else. I am for telling the public the truth about what they are doing to their body without corporations or industries being behind the information put out there. Processed food IS bad for you. Preservatives are not supposed to be in your body. REAL FOOD is better for you than things from a box/can/package. It DOES cost less to eat better than it does to eat like shit your whole life then suffer the consequences later. There is no magic pill to fix all the stuff you broke in your body over all those years! Being lazy and sitting in front of the TV, computer or whatever is not normal for our bodies. WE as a NATION are FAT and DUMB. WE are selfish, WE are SUPERFICIAL, we are GLUTTONOUS, WE ARE LAZY. There are exceptions to these things out there but not many. WE DO NOT care about our neighbors the way we used to. Hell we hardly even know them anymore and we live 100 feet or less from them.
WE are not accountable for our actions anymore and sue other people for stupid things WE do. Coffee is hot, sharp things do cut you, cars are dangerous, alcohol is deadly, smoking is bad for you and everyone around you. Parents are SUPPOSED to be responsible for their children. People we trust to care for them NEED TO do just that, care for them not abuse them. These are just a few of the things wrong with us today.

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